Thursday, February 25, 2010

Grease Trucks Greasy Goodness

Tonight we went to the Grease Trucks on the College Ave campus at Rutgers. As usual, my sandwich was great. This time, I went with the Fat Moon. A demonic sandwich consisting of chicken fingers, fries, lettuce, tomato, fried egg, bacon, pork roll, mozzarella sticks, ketchup, and I don't even know what else. You could seriously kill a man by beating him over the skull with this sandwich. Paul got.....the Fat Brian, I think. It was more or less the same as mine but instead of the chicken fingers and egg, his had a veggie burger. A veggie burger that, I'm sure, was deep fried.

So if you ever find yourself on the College Ave campus and you want something delicious, filling, and cheap (sandwiches cost around $5), check out the Grease Trucks. If you're feeling particularly crazy, take the Grease Trucks Challenge: 5 Fat Sandwiches of your choosing, eaten in under 45 minutes. Man Vs. Food host Adam Richman tried and failed. In fact, in the last five years, only 16 out of about 250 people were able to do it. Can you?